Our Collective’s Principles

Migrant justice

We are committed to migrant justice. Justice for all migrants means an end to displacement, detainment, and deportations, to visas and work permits, and to the criminalization of free movement.

Right of all people

We support the right of all people to remain, move, belong, access services, and freely participate in all aspects of political and community life.

Oppose racism

We oppose racism in all its forms, including those racist attitudes that continue to shape immigration policy, exclude negatively racialized groups from access to permanent residency, fuel xenophobia toward “foreign” workers, and manifest in everyday micro-aggressions against peoples of colour and Indigenous peoples.

Build a community

We strive to purposefully build a community of people who are accountable to one another, through mutual respect and care. In all our work, we strive to center the standpoints, voices, knowledge, and experiences of the oppressed.


We recognize that capitalism is a specific mode of production that relies on the privatization of the commons, dispossession of people, ruthless exploitation of the environment, and concentration of resources in ever fewer hands—and we believe that there are better alternatives.

Value emotional labour

We recognize that imbalances in power and privilege are inherent aspects of all social relationships. We acknowledge and value the often dismissed emotional labour that is required when building community and offering dignity to all.

Promote grassroots, anti-systemic, collective resistance

We promote grassroots, anti-systemic, collective resistance, and strive in all our efforts to humbly move forward in this way through democratic participation, horizontal decision-making, and listening. We undertake this interdependent struggle for liberation with conviction, humility, and dignified rage.

Against segregation

Ours is a struggle against segregation in all its forms, including in the workplace and at the community, state, and global levels. We seek an end to state borders, border controls, and security regimes, as well as an end to all forcibly segregated living and working arrangements in our neighbourhoods, in factories, packing houses, and on the farm.

Respect Indigenous rights

We respect Indigenous rights to land and ways of life. We support Indigenous efforts towards self-governance and the realization of Indigenous sovereignty across Turtle Island and around the world.

Universal access to health care

We support comprehensive and universal access to health care services for all. We defend all peoples’ rights to determine what they need to experience holistic wellbeing, in all its physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional aspects.

Feminist and queer positive

We are a feminist and queer positive collective and encourage the expression of a diversity of genders and sexualities that are free of violence, intimidation, and exploitation. We contest the selection, recruitment, and segregation of migrant farmworkers based on gender and advocate employment practices that support women and mothers in and outside of the workplace.

Cherish and respect the Earth

We cherish and respect the Earth and its fruits that sustain us, but we recognize that people of colour, indigenous people, people in the Global South, and poor folk are more likely to be affected by environmental degradation. Our struggle is therefore guided by principles of redistributive and environmental justice.  

Against the violence of colonialism and neoliberalism

Our struggle is against the violence of colonialism and neoliberalism and the repression, trauma, and loneliness they give rise to in this world.
