Frequently Asked Questions

Why radical?

Radical means to ‘grasp from the root’. We identify ourselves as radical because it reflects both our approach to and basis for organizing— we organize not only for today, but to achieve long-term change which transforms our communities from the ground up by addressing social problems at their roots (see our collective principles).  The term ‘Radical’ is widely misunderstood, and we aim to address those misconceptions through dialogue about our name.

Why don’t you work with employers?

Our focus is building relationships with farmworkers, the majority of whom are coming to Canada through temporary work programs. The design of these programs leaves many farmworkers vulnerable to exploitation and abuse, and we are committed to advocating for farmworkers and supporting their needs. 

How are you funded?

We have grant funding from BCGEU, FPSE, and Freedonia. These independent granting agents have financially supported our work for a number of years now. The funding is used to host events for farmworkers, support our English classes and hubs which are free to farmworkers, and cover some costs incurred by volunteers when supporting farmworkers.

Why are you not a registered charity or non-profit?

We are a nonhierarchical, egalitarian collective of volunteers who believe in solidarity not charity. Our internal organization reflects our values and our politics, and being registered under these designations does not align with either.

Can you help workers find employment in Canada?


What do you ask from the government of Canada?

We demand permanent status for all migrant workers upon arrival to Canada, open work permits, an end to family separation. Dignity and respect. All work is valuable. Recognition of the importance of farmworkers in our economies and inclusion in community.

How long do farmworkers stay in Canada?

Farmworkers under the SAWP program can stay for up to 8 months of the calendar year, or until their work permit expires on Dec 15th. The majority of the workers come to Canada under this program for 7 years or more.
