Contact Us
RAMA can be contacted at:
Phone/WhatsApp: 250-215-3415 (Spanish or English)
Facebook: Rama Okanagan (
A message for journalists and researchers:
RAMA recognizes and values the work journalists and researchers do to raise the profile of migrant workers’ experiences in both the academic and public spheres. We value research and journalism that focuses on furthering migrant justice aims and that are responsive to the needs of the migrant community. However we also recognize the myriad problems with researchers and journalists capitalising on the relationships of trust and reciprocity that advocates and activists have forged over many years with the migrant community, and exploiting migrant workers to further their own academic or career goals or perpetuate the 24 hour media cycle.
Therefore it is RAMA’s policy not to act as a bridge between the migrant community and journalists or academics. We will only work with academic researchers and journalists when members of the migrant community approach our organization with requests to share their stories or address issues they identify.